In Danurveda (the Science of archery) there are two kinds of arms; Astra and Shastra. The astra shot would destroy the substance on which it is aimed at (astra prayoga). There is an astra that the Brahmins have to shoot everyday to destroy the evil. When we say astra prayoga we have shoot a weapon. What is that weapon? We throw water to destroy “the evil that is manifested in us; to get rid of sins and impure thoughts; to wipe the dust of bonds, covering the knowledge and reveal the true self; for Knowledge to shine like Sun”. This astra prayoga has to be done three times a day. While we try to do a hard work we say hold your breath and do it. That is exactly what we do in Sandhyavandanam by offering Argyam (throwing water).
2. When some one is doing a work sincerely we say (in Tamil) that he is performing holding his breath. So this work of destroying evil in us has to be done holding the breath. If we do this everyday as prescribed the impure thoughts would go away. We hold the breath to do this. So we say “Pranan Ayamya”(hold the breath)”. We do not say “Nasikam Ayamya (hold the nose)”.
3. What ever work we do we must concentrate. So is the case when we do Asyta Prayoga using water as Astra. We should hold breath for getting concentration. If we hold the breath how does it hold the mind from wandering? When the mind is still, breathing stops. When we experience immense happiness or unbearable sorrow or greatly excited our breathing stops for a moment; the mind is still. Then it runs fast. We do not stop breathing voluntarily. When breathing stops mind is still and vice versa.
4. When we do Argya pradanam we should do it with concentration. Pranayamam helps to concentrate. Pranayamam is yoga that has to be done for a long period of time with under teacher and it is very difficult. We normally do 10 pranayams at a time; sometimes we do three as per procedure. Had we been doing pranayams from the date of Upanayanam we all would have been Yogeeswaras. What ever we do we have to do properly; is it not? We must hold breath for 30 seconds in one Pranayamam. Need not do for more time. It must be done suitable to individual’s health. If Pranan stops mind would be still. If this is achieved the water we give as Argya is the Astra.
5. Every action in sandhyavandanam is an offering to Parameswara. Astra prayoga of Argya should be done. Then Gayatri japam has to be done. Pranayama should be done as many times as possible, but not much. We must do Sankalpa, Marjanam, Prasanam, Punar marjanam, Argya Pradanam, Japam, Strotram, Abhivadanam saying that I do all this to get blessings of Parameshwara. This is know as sankalpa. Marjanam mantra to be said and water to be sprinkled on head. (first five mantras on head, sixth on feet and seventh on head). Pranayamam is the main activity in the entire sandhyavandanam. All three times of the day Pranayamam to be done. It should be done only prescribed number of times; excess may cause discomfort unless done under supervision of a learned teacher. But daily Pranayamam has to be done by everyone (including one is ill) everyday there will no discomfort at all.
6. We do sin by thought, speech, and body. We have to get rid of the reaction arising out of these sins. So we do karma to get rid of these sins through the Sandhyavandanam. We utter mantras (speech) do gayathri japam (thought), do marjanam and others (bodily actions). Apart from this Sandhyavandanam is also a form of Bakhti yoga and Gnyana yoga.
7. Persons who do sandhyavandanam must have individual vessels. Sandhyavandanam has to be done using those vessels. Pranayamam must be definitely done. Everything to be done as an offering to Eswara (Eswararpanam). Sandhyavandanam should not be done hurriedly.
8. Several men rose to the level of Maharishis only because they did sandhyavandanam regularly and perfectly. Gayathri japam is being done from the day of the Maharishis in whose lineage we have been born (whom we prostrate saying Abivadanam every time we do Sandyavandanam). It is ones duty to observe and do what one is expected to do everyday, at least to honour the rishis in whose lineage we have come from. There have been several rishis after the first rishi. In each gotram the number of rishis are mentioned;three rishis, five rishis , seven rishis etc. This confirms that there were that many rishis in that gotram. Srivatsa gotram had five rishis.
9. One should not break the continuity of the great lineage. One should perform sandhyavandanam three times a day along with Pranayamam with sincerity, with out loss of mantra (pronunciation) uchranam, with total surrender of action to Parameswara with Bakhti and understanding the meaning of each mantra and Prayoga.